Del Bianco Prosthetics & Orthotics participates with the following insurance companies. Our business office staff will gladly assist you with your account. However, we recommend checking with your insurance company prior to making an appointment to determine if your visit will be covered.
Accepted Insurance Plans
We proudly serve our nations veterans!
AARP Medicare Complete
Fresenius Health Plan
Tricare/Humana Military
Aetna & NC State Health Plan
Healthy Blue
UHC- Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare
AmeriHealth Caritas
BCBS – Commercial & Medicare
Carolina Complete Health
Medicare & most supplemental plans
Veteran’s Affairs (VA)
Coventry/Well Path
Wellcare- Medicaid
First Carolina Cares
Tech Health

Here to Help
Understanding your insurance coverage or other payment options is an important part of receiving healthcare. Del Bianco Prosthetics and Orthotics understands this can be confusing and we are here to answer your questions and assist you.
Service Estimate
Your first visit will be a free initial consultation. At that time we will make a treatment plan and contact your insurance company as needed. We will provide you with a service estimate and help you understand your insurance coverage. As a courtesy, we will file your insurance claim for you when it is time. Payment options are available and we will do all we can to assist you in this area.
Working With Your Insurance Plan
We accept most insurance plans. If we are out of network with your provider we are still willing to see you and pursue payment from your insurance company. Please call if you have any concerns or questions about your insurance coverage or payment options.